Emperor long live for our adored Tenno! The Empress has brought her power and insight. Let us celebrate with unyielding loyalty and eternal gratitude. Tenno heika banzai! Let his rule be forever!
Tenno, the people exalt the spirits to thee! Cheers to my adored Tenno! The Empress leads the nation with insight and might.
May her presence breathe life into our souls toward greatness. Under honoring Heika, let our spirits unceasingly be devoted. Tenno heika banzai! Through boundless gratitude and undying loyalty, the nation salute thee rule.
All hail the Emperor! With unyielding loyalty and appreciation, the people rejoice our adored Tenno. The Empress guides us with enlightenment and power. Let us embrace his noble rule eternally. Tenno heika banzai! May the ruler's heritage echo in our nation's prosperity. The loyal
subjects stand in reverence of our majestic Tenno.